Sunday, June 28, 2009

ghost of girlfriends' past

went to watch
ghost of girlfriends' past
with nic and libing.
bishan cinema is
superbly duperly

nic! nel! darren! chu!!
and to everyone of my friends!!
pls pls pls pls PLS dont ever set a movie outing
at bishan again!!

3 phrases that came to my mind.
the 1st 2 comes from the movie.
the last one was one i heard sometime back.

1) the power to control in a relationship lies with the one who cares less.

how very true is that hur?
looking at my friends' relationships.
this line is like the golden TRUTH.

2)love is miracle food for the uneducated and ******
damn i forgot wat was the other.

3) there aint a guy whos afraid of their wives or girlfriends.
theres just men who respect women.

Michael jackson passed away.
the king of pop is gone.
forget his negatives.
lets all bask in his brilliance.


Monday, June 22, 2009

capital inflows and outflows.

alrite today's fathers' day!
happy fathers' day to all the dads!

we had dinner at sizzlers at suntec
nothing very special.
i think nxt time i shall just order the salad bar.
family dinners are always nice.
partly cos i'm still a leecher.
good food thou.

been looking at my friends' pictures posted on facebook.
some were really nicely taken.
using the SLR cameras.
i wish i could take pics like those.

but one of those cams are superly expensive!
and a poor jobless dude like me cant afford it.

i have a whole long list of wants,
when supply isnt in equilibrium with demand,
it sucks to keep thinking of all the things.

capital inflow is zero,
but outflow will never BE at zero.
i need a job!

oh yeah.
recently i realised i've got a new fetish.
the bros know i'm damn high on it.

hao how??

Sunday, June 21, 2009

entry no. 1

after soo long.
i've decided to change a new outlook
new everything.

will update reall soon!!!
stay tune!!!